ICME Open Day
On Tuesday 30 April, Castalum (in association with ICME) was proud to be the venue for an Open Day under the banner heading of “Training and Education for the Castings Industry”. There were approximately 30 attendees and the job profiles of those present ranged from Managing Directors, Training Managers and HR Professionals. Everyone who attended had one overriding question in common –“how do we continue to raise the profile of the Casting industry in order to make a lasting impact within the academic world”?
CastAlum’s and the ICME’s aim is for the industry to be attractive to the next generation of apprentices and to ensure that the educational courses are bespoke to what we, in the Cast Metal’s sector, need. It will be a long journey but we are all in it for the long haul.
Our thanks go to all of the Speakers and to the Welsh Government, who kindly sponsored the food and refreshments for the day.