The People of CastAlum – Quality Engineer Interview – Lynne Kennedy
This month we have an interview with one of our longest-serving employees: Lynne Kennedy. Read on to learn about her experience working as part of our quality team!
Here’s what Lynne has to say about her time working in the foundry:
“I’ve been working here in the CastAlum foundry now for over 21 years, so just after the site was completed. It’s been so long I can’t remember much about the joining process!
I started as a Quality Auditor and stayed in that position for 20 years. However, I recently took the leap and accepted a promotion into the job of Quality Engineer. I’m grateful for the opportunity and now I’ve accepted I’m glad I backed myself to take on the role.
Whatever title I hold though, I’m most proud that I am (and always will be) CastAlum’s reigning X-Ray Queen!
If you’re looking to get started in engineering, whether at CastAlum or somewhere else, my advice would be to take progression opportunities as and when they arise!”

Lynne Kennedy
Quality Engineer